
Monday, September 13, 2010

We need elections

I would never want to live in a society with no elections. Rarely does someone who is not really wealthy ever run for a public office position in our country, but it at least we have the chance of bringing in different people each time. Also throughout history countries that don’t have elections a lot of times seem to go through violent revolution; The French revolution, the fall of The Soviet Union and the American revolution.
Free elections may seem managerial, because only a select few can ever really afford the time or the costs to run for office, but what free elections do is let people have a say in how they are governed. A lot of people already don’t like being told what to do by their leaders, but no one likes being told what to do by someone who inherited or was given the position. When power is passed on to a family member, if they aren’t qualified and even if they are the people will still resist this change, they want a say in how they are ruled. When power changes in this form and not an election there is a much higher chance of conflict whether it is rioting in the streets or the people actually, physically standing up to the government. When a country doesn’t hold elections the government usually runs everything in the state which could create huge feelings of nationalism which as history has shown us not good for example Nazi Germany.
If you want to have a stable state with little risk of conflict from the people then you need to hold some sort of election whether it is straight majority or you split the decision proportionate to the vote.

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